Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jenni 1, Dunkin Donuts 0

So this morning I decided I would grab Dunkin Donuts for work. What was I thinking you say? Well actually this is a very doable thing. They have their DD Smart menu and just recently they have started to sell egg whites for the breakfast sandwiches. What I normally go for is an english muffin with egg white, bacon, and cheese and an ice coffee with skim milk and sugar. All together the meal is 7 WW pts. Not bad at all and filling. If you do the egg instead of the egg white it's going to cost you 2 more points which is not worth it for me.

But this morning Dukin Donuts thought they were going to throw me a curve ball. After I get through the drive through I notice I had 2 Dunkin bags next to me. You would think I would have noticed this as they handed them to me but I blame it being 7:45 am that I didn't. I peer into the first bag and there is my english muffin and in the second bag I smell something sweet and delicious. It's a coffee cake muffin! I love muffins but was not happy to see this guy show up. Is someone taunting me? When I get to my work parking lot I looked up the nutritional info for the muffin on my iphone. I was not too surprised to see the muffin is 660 calories and 26 grams of that. That's 15 WW points!

I get to work and offer the muffin to my skinny coworker. She was very excited. She actually made coffee cake last night and was sad this morning that she forgot to bring some in. Before you think that I go tempting all skinny people with fatty high calories foods to sabotage them she did ask why I didn't want it and I did tell her the calorie count on it. She was surprised it was so high but that did not stop her from eating it. Can you blame her though? If I could eat the muffin and not pay any consequences then I probably would. At least I'm in a cubicle and in my cubicle world I can't see her smiling and eating that delicious muffin.

So Dunkin Donuts you thought you had me but I can claim victory today.


  1. yeah that's a pretty big score. i can't believe DD would do that to you. they have always been so good to me with their delicious coffee.

  2. It was probably some kind of promotion. Corporate bast...er...jerks. Stop at your locally owed charming coffee shop next time. They are sure to never offer you tempting freebies and may even have higher prices making you want most things less anyways.* Excellent will power though Jenni! No one pulls one over on the Buttslayer!
    *Sarcasm - i love local business. Though this may sadly be true, it doesnt matter. Buy local!

  3. I agree with buying locally but the only down side is that local small places don't usually post their nutritional info leaving you with a guess game. If they would start posting NI then I would spend more money for their items any day.

  4. So when I go they are out of orange juice but when you go they give away free muffins? Maybe Dunkin just doesn't like me.

  5. Good for you - I probably would have eaten the muffin because I'm weak. But my eyes did pop a little at the point count.
